Augustin's blog

Opening of has just opened. is a community web site for all those who want to understand and know more about the Astral dimension, either via dreams, Astral Projections, OBE (Out of Body experiences), Lucid Dreams, etc.

The technical offering of the web site will be expanded over time. It already includes a blog section and a wiki section.

Each member has its own blog to use as a diary for their practices and experiences.

ACTION: Searching for John McCain

I saw this post at Dailykos:

Cross Posted On Open Left

Searching for John McCain is a massive, online activism campaign designed to make at least ten million non-partisan, poll-tested, on-message voter contacts that reveal the damning truth about John McCain entirely through mainstream news reports and McCain’s own words. Through mass blogger participation and the use of embedded hyperlinks, Searching for John McCain will connect millions of curious, low-information swing voters to negative, mainstream news articles about John McCain without 99% of those voters even knowing that Searching for John McCain exists.

To learn how to participate, and to learn how it will work, read on into the extended entry.

a bikeshed color problem

Recently, I made a very informal proposal for Drupal developers to cooperate to fight spam at the source of the problem. Unfortunately, there has been no reply to my email.

Regularly, the developers' mailing list, just like many other discussion groups, would go into lengthy debates about fairly inconsequential topics. Around that time, a new default theme for Drupal was being heavily discussed, as well as a new convention to name different Drupal releases.

A way to fight spam together?

Recently, spammers were heavily targetting wechange which was experiencing problems as a result. I wrote to the Drupal developers' list to ask for assistance. Fortunately, I have been able to find a solution quickly.

Forceful advertising on Eggs / Animal cruelty: the right to know. just mentioned a new egg-vertising scheme, whereby egg shells will be used as a medium for delivering yet more advertising to the consumers:

On Monday, [CBS,] the U.S. broadcast network was to announce plans for placing laser imprints of its trademark eye insignia, as well as logos for some of its shows, on eggs - 35 million of them in September and October.

An Inconvenient Truth: in selected US theaters.

When well known people move ordinary people into action, we may well be on the way to a global solution to our planetary problems.

Those are people who are enabling change.

And you?

  • Have a look about related information on "An Inconvenient Truth" in this site.
  • Learn more about the movie and if you can: go and see it.
  • Understand the movie's message and think of ways WE can be part of the solution.
  • Advertise the movie in sites your frequent, and around you, in your family and community.

Lawmakers confrontational attitude is hurting our society

Yesterday, I was lauding Hau Long-bin for his willingness to work with people from opposite parties for the common good of the people. In the last 6 years, it has been obvious that most politicians have put their own parties first and the real long-term interest of the people last. It may be because their own political ambitions depends on how the party fares in elections, and they think that helping officials from another party, even if it's in the best interest of the people, will be detrimental to themselves.

This confrontational attitude exists across the political spectrum, but it has been especially acute among pan-blue supporters since they lost the highest executive post in 2000. I am very ready to admit that president Chen Shui-bian has many faults and that he has been a less than ideal president, but we must recognize that he has constantly been trying to extend olive branches both to the opposition in Taiwan and to the mainland Chinese leadership. He has made efforts to reach out to the other site, certainly because it was his interest to do so, but the Taiwanese people would have also benefited a lot if that olive branch had been accepted.

We need more politicians like Hau Long-bin who put service to the people before party politics

I would like to show my approval for former EPA chief Hau Long-bin for his political attitude. Recently, he has been criticized for having cooperated with people from different parties. Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei mayoral hopeful Hau Long-bin (郝龍斌) yesterday denied being a "political chameleon.":

Hau, a former Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) chief, has vowed to raise the integrity of the KMT's primary and had previously declined to comment on any accusations from rivals.

Economic growth: business as usual despite dire warnings

It seems that the majority of people, economists and policy makers still view economic growth as the holy grail of social well-being. Whatever the news may be on other fronts, first and foremost the economy must be strong; and the way to ensure economic strength is by encouraging consumerism.

Headlines like "Weak consumption hits growth" are not surprising because growth and consumption are always a concern: