An Australian Proposal for a Spiritual Centre

I just met (on cyberspace) Alan Kazlev. As I was looking around his most interesting website, I saw that he was looking for people interested in founding an "Alternative Alternative Community".

He has put a very interesting proposal. Here is part of it:

It is proposed to set up a self-sufficient Spiritual Centre in the country, preferably North-East NSW (in the region of Byron Bay - Nimbin - Grafton or thereabouts - why? subtropical climate plus this is a region where there are many alternative communities already). Arrangement will be as co-op, with the legal side still be worked out (if only two or three people it probably won't be necessary, but with more something like a Corporation or Co-Op will be).

The idea is that everyone puts in a share of money, creativity, enthusiasm, resources, or anything else, and suitable land selected, along with equipment, etc. Agriculture will be by means of Permaculture and small gardens, and perhaps also Rudolph Steiner's Biodynamics, and energy will be as much as possible provided by natural sources (wind, solar, etc). There will also be an internet connection, perhaps by satellite dish. If everything works out, in addition to being a self-sufficient country home, the centre will serve as a country retreat, and maybe a place where workshops, gatherings, etc, can be held. With a minimum but reasonable fee charged for workshops, the project can be self-funding.

If the project grows larger, then as well as everyone's individual home, garden, piece of land, and so on, there will be a central building which would contain a social center; a meditation room; a library; a computer room with a computer and good internet connection, printer, and photocopier. for the production and reproduction of newsletters, magazines, and even books; paintings, graphics, posters, etc; a small nature museum; and whatever else is useful for a harmonious spiritual life and the contemplation of nature.

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