
The Partitioning of Power


Power sharing - Other grouping attempts

Concepts are useful when they help us understand ourselves or our times. In 1914, the Germans, the French, and the British, went to war because they were German, French, or British. National pride was so strong that men went to a war that a sane person would have avoided. By the time the Americans were in Vietnam national pride was too weak for them to die for it. They would support their buddies, but they were not there because of national pride. The concept was no longer strong enough to make men go to war.

An Australian Proposal for a Spiritual Centre

I just met (on cyberspace) Alan Kazlev. As I was looking around his most interesting website, I saw that he was looking for people interested in founding an "Alternative Alternative Community".

He has put a very interesting proposal. Here is part of it:

It is proposed to set up a self-sufficient Spiritual Centre in the country, preferably North-East NSW (in the region of Byron Bay - Nimbin - Grafton or thereabouts - why? subtropical climate plus this is a region where there are many alternative communities already). Arrangement will be as co-op, with the legal side still be worked out (if only two or three people it probably won't be necessary, but with more something like a Corporation or Co-Op will be).

Starting an intentional community: what advice?

Hello Forbes,

Some people arrive in this web site, looking for information on starting an intentional community.
What advice would you have to give them?
What to do first, where to look?


Homelesssness and the social economy

Homelessness and the Social Economy

Homelessness – ‘they’ are not going away – ‘they’ are ‘in your face’. ‘They’ are downtown, annoying business owners, depressing property values, and hassling pedestrians. If you drive ‘them’ out of one locality they will settle in another. The homeless, like all humans, have followed the food, their addictions, or the availability of people to support them. Bottom line - it is likely the hard core homeless, will always be with us. What are we going to do with ‘them’?
What’s got our attention are the visible homeless - the ten per cent hard core chronically homeless and chronically ill - the heavy users of expensive public systems, hospital, jails, and detoxification centers – those who require long term subsidization. Visible homelessness gets our attention but it is only the tapering end of a spectrum of poverty.