Interpersonal relationships, Interpersonal Relationships

That primal need for connection - specially for women

Here is more to back up the need for communal connection - for something we have lost that is primal to our being.


A landmark UCLA study suggests friendships between women are special. They shape who we are and who we are yet to be. They soothe our tumultuous inner world, fill the emotional gaps in our marriage, and help us remember who we really are. By the way, they may do even more.
Scientists now suspect that hanging out with our friends can actually
counteract the kind of stomach-quivering stress most of us experience on a daily basis.

The UCLA study suggests that women respond to stress with a cascade of

Interpersonal Relationships Project


For the next week or so, I will try to organize a little the pages related to the project "Interpersonal Relationships".
See: .

If you are interested and would like to contribute your knowledge and insight, please drop a comment on the Community forum: .


Life will go on

Have a look at this sad presentation about the ongoing war that the US government in waging in Iraq: ,
It shows the casualties of war on both sides. Tears shed for a beloved one are as bitter when flowing from the eyes of the mother of a US soldier returning home in a casket, as when flowing from the eyes of a Iraqi father who lost an infant in a raid.

You can download the flash file here:

The presentation ends asking that the person who started the war finish it now.

I am not Iraqi, nor am I American. What power do I have to stop THAT war?

About the personalization and the externalization of evil.

Remember those claims that the only obstacle between Irak and Peace and Democracy was Saddham Hussein?
Do you still believe this?

Here's another myth: Yasser Arafat as troublemaker.

Clinton underwrote then Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak's portrayal of Arafat as a terrorist and an obstacle to peace in order that Barak could be re-elected. The myth instead gave rise to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, as the Israeli public felt only a Sharon could deal with that mythical monster Arafat. (...)

Violence is sometimes caused by our failure to listen...

Using the recent riots in France as an example, Gary Younge writes in the Guardian that Riots are a class act and sometimes the only alternative. In fact, it seems that the ends justifies the means and that some form of violence is ok as long as the end result is what was wanted all along:

By the end of last week it looked as though the fortnight of struggle between minority French youth and the police might actually have yielded some progress. Condemning the rioters is easy. They shot at the police, killed an innocent man, trashed businesses, rammed a car into a retirement home and torched countless cars (...).

Children helping children (Children's Rights)

Here is one little peace of good news: the 2005 World Children's Rights Summit was held in Taipei, Taiwan, with 89 children attending:

"Last year the topic was environmental protection, but this year the summit focuses on poverty, war and child abuse," Verall said. "To me, the most important children's right is a sense of security -- that children can feel and be safe wherever they go."

So much must be done before we can offer our children a true sense of security...

Communication and Interpersonal Relationships

This "Interpersonal Relationships" project aims to provide information on this topic, define the problem, highlight the consequences of such negative behaviour, point out to some solutions in the form of code of conduct and other forms. The project will also be the basis for the moderation guidelines that will eventually regulate the site wechange.

This site may link to other useful web sites, worth investigating.

If you would like to help getting this project off the ground, please post your comment on the forum: .